Transforming The Internet With Project Liberty

Frank McCourt headshot

Nov 18 Forbes Tom Davenport

Like almost all the reflective tech watchers I know, I am worried about what social media is doing to our society. Algorithm-driven polarization, misinformation, hate speech, etc.—all have been exacerbated by our existing social media landscape. So I am of course interested in any attempts to address these issues.

Recently at the Emtech MIT conference, one of the speakers was Frank McCourt—once a prominent Bostonian, then the LA Dodgers owner, now real estate developer, French soccer team owner, and champion of a new Internet. The latter objective is embodied in Project Liberty, the website for which says it “is a visionary initiative to transform how the Internet works, who owns and controls personal data, and who benefits from the digital economy.“

Read the full article on Forbes here.

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